Monday, December 30, 2019
Marketing Strategies For A Marketing Strategy - 1177 Words
In recent years, market has become more complex that there are many different kinds of companies appeared. Moreover, the competition between these companies in marketing has become more intense. Practice effective marketing strategies is very important for most of the companies who want to be successful and to become leaders in marketing. Strategy is part of marketing techniques that combine all the market goals which are the company needs to make a completed plan in order to increase sales and maintain customers (Bennie, 2016). Marketing strategies have been extensively studied in the marketing area. For example, marketing strategy was discussed in by Robert Morello who has an extensive business background in marketing area. As for the†¦show more content†¦The second one is Concentrated Targeting Strategy, which is a strategy used to choose one segment of a market for targeting marketing efforts. Take CVS Caremark as an example, CVS makes women as their target customers sin ce about 80% of its merchandise is make-up. The last strategy is Multisegment Targeting Strategy which is a strategy that chooses two or more well-defined market segments and develops a distinct marketing mix for each. PG is one of the examples of this strategy that offers 18 different laundry detergents, each targeting a different segment of the market (Bennie,2016). In modern society, marketing strategy has been changed by the companies with worthy developments, such as the insolation of a target market segment, a set of clear-cut goals, a fair amount of consumer research, and the implementation of initiatives which aimed at getting the word out (Morello). The main point in marketing strategy is the effects of specific elements and how they make an effect on a company’s position in the modern market. The elements of marketing strategy include Advertising, Promotion, Customers Service and Quality (Markgraf). Those are the most important elements which they are significant r oles in marketing strategy. In this literature review which examined 6 articles relates to how different strategies will be used into different countries. I
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Poison Tree by Andres Medina - 719 Words
The Poison Tree by Andres Medina The poison tree the author speaks about the containment of emotion.The author is angry at his friend but forgives him so his anger ends.†I was angry with my friend:I told my wrath, my wrath did end.†(Blake).I was angry with my foe:I told it not, my wrath did grow.(Blake)The author gets angry with his enemy but doesnt tell him so it doesnt end , and grows into a tree.The tree then produces a fruit, â€Å"Till it bore an apple bright.†(Blake)The enemy steals the apple, and eats it.The foe who ate the apple lies died under the tree of poison â€Å"My foe outstretched beneath the tree.†(Blake) .This poem main theme is the containment of emotions.William Blake uses tone,metaphors,and other literary devices to express the theme of emotions in his poem. The tone of the poison tree switches from being able to forgive to anger.†I was angry with my friend:I told my wrath, my wrath did end.†(Blake) He forgives his friend and the anger ends immediately.Then he talks about his enemy I was angry with my foe:I told it not, my wrath did grow.(Blake) This shows that the tone has changed.The author was able to forgive his friend but not his enemy.This leads to his anger to keep growing my wrath did grow.(Blake) This brings us back on the theme of containment of emotions.The author has a change of tone we he speaks of his foe.His foe is the reason of his anger.If the speaker would to talk to his foe it might just end.The containment of emotion
Friday, December 13, 2019
The Unification Of Germany And Italy History Essay Free Essays
The fusion of both Germany and Italy changed each state everlastingly. The impact for both the fusion of Germany and Italy created a forceful mentality for independency, economic growing, and a strong patriotism. However, to each its ain can be a statement here, as the fusions besides brought bloody war, separation, and commanding political relations. We will write a custom essay sample on The Unification Of Germany And Italy History Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now This essay will compare and contrast the fusion of Germany and the fusion of Italy. War is war. It is a natural force, it can unify some, and divide others, and the fusion of both Germany and Italy are to be understood with the same frame of idea for this essay. The similarities for Germany and Italy are many, but here I will name the points that are most recognizable from an academic position. Chiefly it is of import to notate that both unification procedures required the work and order of a confident leader. Even though the fusion of Italy required a changed in leading, the procedure led to the same end. Where Germany had, Bismarck, Italy had di Cavor. Bismarck was known as the â€Å" Bloody Iron. †His ideas of fusion were of pure endurance. He required barbarous force to derive integrity for Germany. Italy ‘s leading thought with a more political mentality. Camilo di Cavor ( the kingsmen that eventually took Italy all the manner into fusion ) relied more on blessing from political groups and out of economic despair. In add-on, Italy had a larger battle due to the extent of the current disorganisation and separation of her boundary lines. There were at least 39 single bordering locations to unify with what subsequently became the capital of Italy, Rome. In add-on, both fusions had a end of unifying their broken state and supplying a centralised authorities regulation. However, being that the logical thinking is considered to include economic agencies in both fusions ; the importance in the economic base for Italy was far more of import and necessary. Italy had faced bankruptcy and a great depression from all of the anterior promises from anterior leaders. This was Italy ‘s chief thrust, endurance after multiple attempts and complete old failure. The rudimentss of each state and their push for fusion were that multiple districts desired the integrity of so holding control and running one united state or authorities. The demands for the people were presented different in the narrative of the fusions, but the demands for a authorities do look of import, if non more of import, to the fusion procedure. Germany had a program and struck while the Fe was hot, where Italy had to take some major falls before they were able to unify as one. Unlike other wars, the fusions of both Germany and Italy gained support from all societal categories. The fusion ‘s intent for both of the states led to a patriotism to let each state excessively so thrive. The societal populations of both states shared the same demands, but for different commanding factors. Austria ruled Northern Italy, and the Catholic Church controlled cardinal Italy. Germany was nowhere nigh every bit discombobulated as Italy, yet had the same desire of centralisation control in authorities and policy. Equally far as existent procedure of fusion, merely put, Germany ‘s fusion procedure did differ in ways from the fusion of Italy. Where Italy was under a pollex of foreign control, Germany was independent. Some of the foreign controls for Italy included Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Pope, the Duchies of Spoleto and the land of Two Siciles. Germany entered fusion with a major war with France and subsequently established universe power, but this was through denial of advice from multiple countries, including the Pope! Their consistent disposition led to a speedy triumph. Another signifier of difference between both states ‘ fusion is the existent procedure required to derive each of their fusions. Germany won their unification rapidly and swift, merely seven hebdomads, where Italy was a bloody conflict for their lone authorities for multiple old ages and multiple leaders. Italy took old ages longer along with a batch of leader and male monarch restructuring excessively eventually derive the same success as Germany. Even though each state had similar aims, their thoughts of the demand to unite did differ somewhat. Germany wanted to organize a â€Å" 3rd Germany †in which Germany excluded from Austria and Prussia. Germany besides gained their fusion through direct and unfastened struggle. On the reverse, Italy ‘s objected was to divide themselves from France in hope of a lone authorities. There were enormous up ‘s and down ‘s for Italy and her people, and unification fit the demand at the clip. Looking at the leaders for each of the fusions, Italy faced failure through Napoleon after merely 100 yearss into war. He was subsequently exiled and succeeded by Louis IVIII, this led to the public violences of the people and the non-support due a direct failure that subsequently led to a belly-up Italy. Later, enters Italy ‘s premier curate of the land Savoy, Camilo di Cavor. He launches war and uses diplomatic negotiations and war to drive power. He is better known as the Brain. Cavour is the leader that eventually led Italy ( after a few failed efforts ) to fusion. The procedure was long and hard, but the wages was deserving Italy ‘s cicatrixs. Germany ‘s leader is merely one adult male, Otto Von Bismarck. In 1862, Bismarck was appointed the King of Prussia. Bismarck used policy of Realpolitik to regulate. Bismarck held small or no idea to single moralss, over all ethical motives, or current legalities. Bismarck ‘s end was to beef up military and the industrialized the nucleus of Germany and Germany ‘s people. His ideas of fusion were unite German provinces under one ruleaˆÂ ¦simply stated, non Austrian, but Prussian regulation! Quickly, the Germans defeated the Gallic and at the terminal of the war, all of the German provinces joined with Prussia to unify as one German State. The chauvinistic feeling was on the rise during the clip that Bismarck and Cavor controlled the states of Germany and Italy. Both leaders opted to work that experiencing through war. Through Treaties, confederations were formed for Germany, but it is through failure so success that confederations were formed for Italy. Both fusions served similar intents and yet different concluding. As I stated in the beginning of this essay, the impact for both the fusion of Germany and Italy created a forceful mentality for independency, economic growing, and a strong patriotism. The terminal wages for both Germany and Italy remain the same, remarkable patriotism through combined integrity. How to cite The Unification Of Germany And Italy History Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
New Deal Essay Paper Example For Students
New Deal Essay Paper The most active First Hundred Days was under president Franklin Delano Roosevelts first term. In a desperate attempt to solving the woes of the American population, FDR and his Congress passed more bills than any other president-congressional combination as ever done in their first impression time period. FDRs domestic policy, known more widely as the New Deal, was intended to be a group of innovative measures to counteract the effects of the Great Depression. Roosevelt and the U.S. Congress, trying to reduce unemployment, restore prosperity and return a sense of morale to American citizens, endorsed a wide variety of bills creating new federal programs and agencies. These agencies were known as alphabet agencies due to their titles that included many different letters (i.e., WPA, FERA, TVA). Although the New Deal was initiated to return prosperity to the American economy, in the long run, the New Deal was probably the worst policy ever started. Though providing quick relief to some areas of depression, the New Deal was overall a very socialist, perhaps even communist plan. Controlling prices, giving out jobs, commanding water flow, were just some of the many practices engaged in by the government tat went against capitalistic American point of views. Some agencies did do good, however. The New Deals dealing with the banks was performed very well. It returned trust in leaving money in the banks with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). This act insured investors deposits in banks tat were members of the FDIC. Also, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which set guidelines for the stock market to prevent speculation like that that led to the Great Depression. Despite those agencies mentioned above, the other creations of the New Deal led to nothing but trouble in the long run. Agencies such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Works Progress Administration (WPA), and Public Works Act (PWA) created jobs for none other than young white men, excluding women and blacks to a large degree. These agencies provided so-called jobs to men, though they were not considered jobs to critics of the program, who called them boondoggling jobs. Some people were required to dig a trench, then fill it in again just so they co uld get a salary and say they had a job. Conservatives condemned this as a waste of government funds. The Tennessee Valley Authority, or the TVA, was created mainly to set standards for electric rates, but also for jobs, reforestation and flood control. In the program, Congress measured the cost of providing electricity to this region and determined standard rates. Conservatives declared that Congress was pouring socialism in concrete. This meant that by building the dams, the government gained the ability to control prices, a socialist concept. Also accursed as socialist was the National Recovery Administration, or NRA, which set up standard competitive codes for each industry, again giving government control of industry. Programs were also set up that supported organized labor, possibly a reason why Americans today are considered lazy in the work place. Organized labor provided job security which limited productivity and created a sense of security in workers but also made them slack off a little bit. Government also set maximum hours and minimum wage with the Fair Labor Standards Act, another attempt at a socialist principle.Perhaps the most-felt part of the New Deal today was the Social Security Act. This program tipped-off the development of the $5 trillion debt this country faces today. It provided a retirement fund, unemployment insurance, and welfare grants. This act flung many low class Americans into welfare and many have stayed their for generations. It created welfare state at the time and provided too many handouts to Americans. Another program creating a significant debt for this country was the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). It controlled produce prices by paying subsidies to farmers for not growing their crops. In order to retain jobs for farmers, government raised prices for farm products so competition couldnt be a factor. Another attempt at socialism which was not well appreciated by the right hand side of government. .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 , .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 .postImageUrl , .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 , .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163:hover , .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163:visited , .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163:active { border:0!important; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163:active , .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163 .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1168f3bb7f33c0ff6c174a1b484a7163:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Civil War Reconstruction EssayFDRs New Deal did little to solve the problems of the country. It did more damage than good in the long run. After FDRs first term, the recession was still ongoing and nothing brought the country out of it until World War II. WWII would have brought the country out of the depression regardless of any policy Congress took towards it. The government over-taxed the rich and spent amounts of money greater than what they had coming in. If the New Deal succeeded in one thing, it was leading this country to the $5 trillion debt it faces today. Words/ Pages : 828 / 24
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Civil Rights Essays - Counterculture Of The 1960s,
Civil Rights The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in his book Why We Can't Wait, quite correctly named the civil rights struggles of the mid-twentieth century the Third American Revolution. Though it is most often attributed to the 1960s the civil rights movement found it's start in the decade before that, the ?peaceful 50s'. The civil rights movement actually started with legal battles before moving into the streets of American cities. The Supreme Court ordered the desegregation of schools with ?all deliberate speed? and overturned it's former ?separate but equal? policy that had for so long been the law of the land. This led to the tokenism that MLK decried in his book, and it also led to the realization that there wouldn't be equal rights gained through the courts alone, they had to take their struggle to the streets. The NAACP and other organizations continued their struggle with the judicial system, but new organizations formed to help the people in a different way. It was in this time when the SLCC and SNCC were formed to fight, rather to not fight, for equality. Non-violence was the core of the ?mainstream? movement and it was their main weapon. From the bus boycotts of Montgomery to the lunch counter sit-ins across the nation not a black fist was raised in anger. They were beaten, spat upon and cursed and still did not fight back. This was a brilliant public relations strategy in action, for every time the protestors were shown on the news, it was them acting peacefully and a white mob attacking them. These images alone helped to win over many supporters and force the national government to step in to help the cause of civil rights. One of the main goals of the passive resistors was to gain public support and force the government to uphold the Supreme Courts controversial rulings, such as what happened with Central High School when President Kennedy nationalized the Arkansas National Guard and the Interstate Commerce Comm. forced the desegreg ation of the interstate bus lines. Without lifting a finger they changed the way the nation was run. As the years went on African Americans became even more willing to stand up for their rights, to the point where MLK led a march on Washington D.C. Slowly but surely the small pocket of ?dissidents? turned into a nationwide movement that reshaped the way the constitution was interpreted and tried to help make sure that all men really were created equal. Even the killings of important persons like MLK, Medgar Evars, and Malcolm X couldn't stop the flow once it had been released. The men became martyrs to the cause and more powerful than they ever were when they were alive. Ultimately the goals of the civil rights movement were quite simple. They wanted to end discrimination, to become accepted as American citizens with all the rights, duties and privileges that entails. They wanted the power to become whatever they wanted in life, to not be held back by mere melatonin but instead be accepted everywhere by everyone as a fellow human being, regardless of race. Bibliography: Why We Can't Wait - Martin Luther King Jr.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Group Policy 2003
Windows 2003 Group Policy Group policy management console found in Windows Server 2003 is used to allow administrators to setup configurations for servers and users. Local policy settings can be applied to any computer. For computers on a domain, an administrator can apply the group policy across sites, domains, or organizational units found in Active Directory. Group policy support is found on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows XP Professional, and Microsoft Windows 2003 Server. With Active Directory infrastructure and group policies an administrator can take advantage of policy-based administration to do many things. Allow one or many administrators to manage all users and computers found in the network. Simplify the work of system updates and application installations for the administrator. Constantly keep security settings up to date on the network. Create standard workstation environments for different groups of users. Group policies can be used to create user-related policies as well as security, networking, and many polices found at the local computer level. Group policy is also used in management of domain controllers and member servers. Group policy found in Windows 2003 Server has a new graphical user interface (GUI). This gives the administrator an on screen application used to implement and deploy group policies. Windows 2003 Server adds an additional 200 new policy settings from those found in Windows 2000 Server. There is also additional support for Windows Management Instrumentation filters to control how group polices are applied to computers and users. Administrators are able to manage all the computers in the network centrally through Active Directory and Group Policy. The group policy is used to deliver managed computer environments allowing the administrator to work more proficiently because of the centralized management. Measurement of total ... Free Essays on Group Policy 2003 Free Essays on Group Policy 2003 Windows 2003 Group Policy Group policy management console found in Windows Server 2003 is used to allow administrators to setup configurations for servers and users. Local policy settings can be applied to any computer. For computers on a domain, an administrator can apply the group policy across sites, domains, or organizational units found in Active Directory. Group policy support is found on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows XP Professional, and Microsoft Windows 2003 Server. With Active Directory infrastructure and group policies an administrator can take advantage of policy-based administration to do many things. Allow one or many administrators to manage all users and computers found in the network. Simplify the work of system updates and application installations for the administrator. Constantly keep security settings up to date on the network. Create standard workstation environments for different groups of users. Group policies can be used to create user-related policies as well as security, networking, and many polices found at the local computer level. Group policy is also used in management of domain controllers and member servers. Group policy found in Windows 2003 Server has a new graphical user interface (GUI). This gives the administrator an on screen application used to implement and deploy group policies. Windows 2003 Server adds an additional 200 new policy settings from those found in Windows 2000 Server. There is also additional support for Windows Management Instrumentation filters to control how group polices are applied to computers and users. Administrators are able to manage all the computers in the network centrally through Active Directory and Group Policy. The group policy is used to deliver managed computer environments allowing the administrator to work more proficiently because of the centralized management. Measurement of total ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Keeping google googley Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Keeping google googley - Case Study Example From this research, it is clear that bureaucratic organizational culture is one of the biggest growing concerns of Google Inc. The bureaucratic organizational culture served noninstrumental in managing around 17000 employees. The company should have adopted the Hofstede Cultural Dimension which constitutes of four cultural dimensions like PDI (Power Distance Index), UAI (Uncertainty Avoidance), IDV (Individual Collectivism) and MAS. Power Distance Index indicates the degree to which power is distributed unequally among the members of the organization. It also indicates how the less powerful members of the organization accept the prevailing inequality readily. Individual Collectivism is the degree to which the members are integrated into various groups. Masculinity Feminity Dimension refers to the distribution of the values and roles between the genders. In countries with a high masculine culture, the difference between the gender roles are prominent and vice versa. The tolerance and acceptance of the societal norms are evaluated and measured for uncertainty and ambiguity purposes. The cultural dimension of various countries is evaluated and calculated based on certain scores, which help in determining the various cultural elements of a country and the organizational culture of a particular country. It is observed from the case study that the organizational structure is not well defined and is loosely oriented.... Support culture helps in promoting shared assumptions, values, socialization and norms, etc. This helps in improving the organizational commitment among the organizational members (Meijen â€Å"The Influence of Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment at a Selected Local Municipality†). Transformational Leadership It is observed from the case study that a well defined hierarchical structure is absent in the company which has led to chaotic and rapid decision making within the organization. Participative decision making is applicable only in certain circumstances; otherwise it will lead to confusion and chaos. Thus, the managers should adopt a leadership approach at several levels which would help in managing situational crisis and help in organizational effectiveness. Transformational leadership approach is mixture of charismatic and bureaucratic leadership approach, which helps the managers to raise the motivational level and morale of the employees. Transformation al leadership approach paves the path for organizational success and improves the productivity and efficiency of the employees. Although, rapid decision making is pervasive in the company it should be noted that some important decisions require cautious and planned thinking. Transformational leadership helps in improving the organizational effectiveness by constantly monitoring the organizational procedure and providing significant strategic inputs (Hautala 777-794). External Analysis of Recommendation Among the above three recommendations it would be advisable if the management follows the transformational leadership approach, which would help in effective managerial decision making and improvisation of the existing
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